
Job Hunting


  • UX/UI
  • .
  • Front-end
  • .
  • Backend

Job Hunting

Job Hunting is a web-based application that helps you keep track of your job search. You can organize important information such as the name of the employers you have submitted your resume to, and job descriptions so that you will not have to be lost when this is needed. You can also store other significant information about interviews when necessary. For this project, I was responsible for the backend and the frontend, as well as the design. Having these duties is both satisfying and demanding, as it gives me creative freedom that enables me to take all kind of directions. Having built the backend myself, I knew how the pieces fit beforehand, which makes the implementation of the mutations and queries a smooth task.

Tech Stack

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Project mockups
Project mockups
Project mockups
Project mockups
Project mockups
Project mockups
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